In Bed With FR Movements - Fake Mothers Groups

It was very disappointing to find a support forum for noncustodial mothers, that was operated by people with the Fathers Rights agenda.  The user list contained the same internet names on the SPCA forum and the moderator had a link to a website that was promoting Parent Alienation Syndrome.  In case the person running it was just completely ignorant to whats actually going on in the courts, I decided to ask why and this is the response I received:

If you'd bother to have read through the Parental Alienation sections, you would find that NCMA in NO WAY Supports PAS.
Also, we support dads just as much as mums because custody issues happen to them also, if not more so. It is really only just starting to come to the surface now, that women are having thier children removed from their care due to the recent legislation involving shared care at 50%. Men have been dealing with this since the beginning of time!
Hope I've enlightened you somewhat.

Knowing what I know now about who and what these FR movements are all about, it appeared to me that it was not I that needed to be enlightened.  So I wrote back to her(or him??):

Thank you for you "enlightenment"  that "men" have been dealing with this since the beginning of time and would like to show my gratitude and share my enlightenment and perhaps why I find this all disturbing:
Diana Bryant boasts that the core business of the family court relies on violence against women and children
Most of the fathers rights groups support violence against women and children
Most of the mothers engage in "maternal Gatekeeping" because he has shown some threat of harm to the children.
Most of the people who fund these movements have sex offending convictions and want to protect perpetrators.
You know about Gardner - find out about Kinsey.
The father has always had power and privilege in the family court long before the reforms.  
Your moderator has a site that promotes PAS
Most of the users are from the SPCA whom are FR movements.
IF you had bothered to read the cases online since 1989 - then you would see that fathers were ONLY excluded on extreme evidential grounds.
The fathers on your site are there to collect data and report any disclosures contrary to 121 privacy act.  
They have done this to plenty of mothers.

It was a quick run down of all of the information I have read through and what I have heard and seen.  The response was only seconds later:

Your views are particularly extreamist, as not ALL fathers who lose custody of thier children are sex offenders. NCMA was developed by myself, a (once) non custodial mother, because thier was very little support for mothers going through having their children removed from their care without a valid reason.
I was certainly not a sex offender, drug addict, or an abuser of any kind, so I developed the site with the fact in mind that, other mothers could also be going through PA and alot (including myself) were becomming victims of PAS, not to mention the children involved.
I'm not sure where you are getting your information from, but I am yet to find a fathers rights group that promotes violence against women. Sex offenders and abusers- these are the fathers that we DO want to protect out children from. But it also must be said that thier are alot of mothers who use allegations in order to regain or maintain custody of thier children. I was a victem of allegations, I can only assume was because my ex earns a substancial amount of money and didnt want to pay child support, so his idea was to gain custoy of our daughter so that he wouldn't have to pay me a cent
NCMA does NOT supprot sex offenders or PAS, infact we are extreamly opposed to it. NCMA was created to enlighten mothers (and fathers), give them hope, advice and encouragment, while dealing with the emotional blows of losing thier children, nothing more, nothing less.
At the end of the day, the fathers that love thier children and are NOT abusers, who have thier children's best interests in mind, these fathers have every right to see thier children and play an important role in their children's lives, as much as any good, decent mother does. I'm guessing you are a 'gatekeeping' mum, would I be right>?
Take NCMA for what it is, and not for what you are implying, because it was purely developed with the intension to assist and offer support to non custodial mothers. And if a father should stumble across my site, then I would not turn him away if he is doing the right thing by his children.

These entrenched beliefs is what continues to silence our children and the voices of their mothers.  The type of fathers she refers to are not part of these groups, but are and have been spending time with their children.  Why?  These fathers that pose no threat to the children's and mothers safety.  There is no reason to go to court or mediation, because there is no reason to stop or withheld contact and lets face it - Could a mother really deal with telling their Adult Children that they withheld contact because they "didn't feel like it"?  Most mothers go out of their way to encourage a relationship with the father since birth, its only when he becomes a danger to the child that a mother would ever consider this not to be an option.  
Every mother who supports the FR movement, is in reality condemning their daughters, sisters, mothers and best friends who just happen to receive these mens wrath.

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