Family Courts Lab Rats

Perhaps another strategy to avoid liability, the Family Court announced Shared parenting as a "social experiment".  What they didn't tell you was the fact that the participants were not by consent and the grave risks that were involved.  Thats in the fine print of the law that appears only the fathers rights groups have had access to.  It wasn't until Dr Judith Reisman questioned Kinseys findings that we began to know about the trail of destruction left behind.  Most people now shudder at the mere mention of table 34.  The children who were abused for the sake of "research" were in the hundreds, yet their plight remained within the shadows whilst Kinsey was glorified as a hero to this day.

How very easy it was to shamelessly tell half truths in the spotlight to the australian and american people on what shared parenting was about.  If there were any real justice, those who lobbied for it should have at the very least been sued and those who participated in the mass abuses of women and children should be held in the international criminal courts for committing this crime against these people.  If they announced that they were going to subject mothers and children to family violence and order them to endure and remain silent about it, it would be an outrage. 

  Many practitioners and shared parenting advocates have played the ignorant card and claimed that there is no research on shared parenting to anticipate whether there would be any harm.  
Based on her 30 plus years of research and experience with children of divorce. Dr. Wallerstein explains:

Joint custody arrangements that involve
a child going back and forth at frequent
intervals are particularly harmful to
children in a high-conflict family, ...The
research findings on how seriously 
troubled these children are and how
quickly their adjustment deteriorates are
very powerful

One only has to look at the type of groups behind this ideology to understand why it is failing.  We have religious groups where they shouldn't be, preaching about how important it is to stay married and much like the other groups, lacking any responsibility in confronting the hidden issues behind divorce.  In many religions today, the ideal of family means that the mother is required to be accountable for her husbands actions and carry on the shame if he abuses her.  The only time that rape seems to be an issue with the churches is when it is a stranger and most of the blame is still directed at her.  I admire those who can still be religious and make an effort within churches to fully acknowledge the stupidity of these expectations.  Some churches have managed to move forward with our times, whilst others have joined on the mass bullying hymn, denouncing the worth of single mothers as an ill of our society under the masquerade buzz word, "Fatherless".  All part of the work aimed at undoing the work of women in their plight to achieve equality.  

Apart of the undoing of women's rights has also been a push in the undoing of children's rights.  Children's rights only came about through the work of feminism.  It is one of the gravest reasons why this backlash in all levels and fronts is far from a good move.  By doing such a thing, one is welcoming the pedophiles and batterers to the table to have a mass feast on our most vulnerable.  On each child and mothers merits, they have done courageous things in the face of appalling cruelty, yet the laws, policies and theories that led to the justification of these inhumane practices should never have come about.  

Drug companies, biologists and other specialists are required by law to thoroughly research and provide a significant amount of evidence that it causes no harm before novice practices are distributed to the population.  Shared parenting advocates provided little of this and a lot of advertising.  There are at least a million mothers and children who are treated as lab rats without their consent.  Anyone who enjoys the study of trauma, have more than enough fresh meat. All they have to do is join the local courts research body and make a sale or two on its findings.  Perhaps even pass it on to the military, so that they can get the latest on psychological warfare along with the findings on coercive control and all of the other torture orientated papers.  There is no need to study the effects on POW camp survivors anymore as there is a fresh batch available at your local family court.  One would hope that there are a few decent human being that might put these blood tainted papers to good use and collate this evidence as a reason why it needs to just stop once and for all.  In the mean time, you can do one thing to help stop this madness and it is only a click away.  Sign one of our petitions to help bring about more protections for women and children experiencing family violence.  

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