Joining Anonymums

Dear Friends and Supporters,
Thank you for your recent correspondence and expression of interest in membership. 
There has been so many gatherings and support for this area of mothers and children s rights globally. 
Together in small groups, we have managed to accomplish a lot in raising awareness despite our own situations and peril that has had its grip over our lives.  As the saying goes, "Many hands make light work", but also not to ignore, "Divide and conquer" attempts on mothers, children and authorities.   
Amongst recent correspondence(we had quite a few) was a confirmed attempt to infiltrate our group.  With a bit of research around the details provided, "he" was actually a "she".  It does not surprise me that there are attempts to do this as when I first accessed the internet for support for my own situation, I discovered that the internet was practically booby trapped with sites appearing to support women, but in fact set up to indoctrinate them into accepting the abuse and inflicting guilt for contemplating any other way - other than "shared parenting".  Anyone who challenged FR were automatically categorize as a "feminazi".  Ironically, most who have gone through this situation have not been aware of feminism nor have been taught womens history, but begun to realize how women s rights have  eroded, esspecially but not limited to family law issues.  Unfortunately, we have all heard the ridicule and hate towards women s rights, being treated as some sort of delusion, needing to be medicated with patriarchy.  It has been so long ago since the beginning of women s rights that its hard for the following generations to grasp what it was before there were any laws to protect women.  If you haven't already educated your self, I would highly recommend reading about the early fight for womens rights.  There are some mirror like aspects to the challenges we face today as we did in the past.  We have the same group of women opposing women s rights that are quite selfish and ignorant to anything outside themselves.  We have the same opposing group of men who are purely focused on dominating the spotlight and twisting the picture around to appear as if they were victimized from these, "wild women".    We have the system still not considering childrens rights apart from what benefits those individuals.  If there was real concern for children rights, then children would be able to vote at a much younger age.  What is different today is that we have a bunch of organisations that "pretend" to care for children and women s rights, take the money and do half of what they are capable of mostly spending time on evading the spotlight from the consequences of their complacency.  Specifically, I refer to child protection organizations and family mediation services as they are the biggest systematic abusers.  One only needs to hear it from the children that are now adults from these services to confirm the damage that has been done on their hands.  I believe in children being protected, but disagree with how that is managed and implemented. 
There are so many points, that I could not only write a book, but fill a library on the wrongs of family law, relationship services, fathers so called, "rights" groups and child protection.  The issue is not whether one would read them, but rather what action is taken and who is involved, that is the current question.  As a means of resolving this issue, we have created a secure forum to gather supporters globally.  There is no anonymums logo, as our it person has had some issues with the template, but the structure is designed well enough to encourage what we intend to achieve.  It is intended to encourage leadership and justice for mothers and their children.  I welcome you all to join.


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Anonymums Family Violence Fact Sheet

Anonymums Family Violence Fact Sheet
Free Fact Sheet on Family Violence and Family Court

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