We are tackling a huge monster and a campaign should be placed in such a way that we take this monster down tier by tier as we do not have enough dynamite to implode the entire creature.
I agree, that Simon's approach to this, to advocate for children as a first step to get media attention is an excellent one. There are enough statistics, families and community knowledge and support, who accept that severe damage is being done to our children and then society as a whole by denying children access to their Fathers(Code word for less child support).
I also agree that a non gender specific campaign(men only) is the way to go though it should be mentioned that most of parents(fathers and step mothers) that children are denied from seeing are Fathers(fathers are paying too much $10.00 could equal three australian beers). It is a fact that cannot and should not be hidden.
Peter Wrote
5.. We must get on board with the push for tougher penalties for assault of any kind(against men fabricated and real), but take it further so that DV and child abuse are treated as serious assault and are fully investigated by police(mostly dominated by men) and charges laid where appropriate(men only) and the alleged perpetrator(female only) faces court with a jury and if found guilty suffers a punishment commensurate to the crime. All done outside of the family court!
This is the last and most dangerous Dragon(measures taken on violence against women) to be slayed for the reasons I am about to state
1. If we push for tougher penalties to soon many Men who are already victims of DV(code word for perpetrators who blame their victims) (amd getting blamed as the assailent) and false allegations will be victimised mercilessly.
2. It is a huge dragon to slay(violence against women is also recognized as a human rights violation) and I believe that once Fathers have more time with their children(pay less for child support and do what ever they want to their exes) and it is understood that equal time is given immediately false allegations will drop off considerably as this behaviour will no longer be reinforced by the reward of sole residency for Mothers as there will be no such thing.
3. Threatening the corrupt and unethical(against violence) 'Sisters movement' will bring down more shit on our heads than we can handle at this time. We have to play it smart. Let them think we are not coming after them then tear out their throats at a later date. (that is a terrible thng to say) :O
I well implemented campaign can cover more than one direct yet related issue at once and I still think the perfect time to do somthing of that nature, especially to get media attention, is the day after Fathers Day.
I would still be calling for national strike action by all Fathers, Uncles, Brothers, Concerned Family Members and of course Women and interested Family Rights Groups. I think the message of the strike action should be that men have had enough of being discluded from the lives of their children(supervised access is blocking contact).
I have many ideas on campaigns building up to this strike action.
A package should be available for down load with instructions on how to use the campaign kit.("Campaign" kit is code word for "destruction") ( I am good at this stuff. I am a woman and I know how to get attention)
The campaign kit should contain
An email campaign- Sample letters that can be copied with the persons details , if they so wish, and email addresses to send these letters to. We should target the media. (keep it out of the hands fo the feminist pollies who could quickly arrange a DV campaign for the same day or some such thing) Regional Papers, keeping the information flowing directly to the community with out censorship. The larger Papers will pick it up as there will be a great deal of community interest in the subject. Targeting friends and associates on your email list with sample emails to bring to thier attention the circumstances and also a copy of the Campaign kit as an attatchment.
A texting campaign- An example of Texts to send to Regional newspapers and friends in your phone list informing them of the situation. This could include information on where to find the Campaign kit so they too can join in supporting this cause.
A postal campaign- Again targeting the media and friends. Here we present ourselves with a visual oppourtunity. I propose a post card campaign. In the Campaign kit there will be post cards that a person can print off. These post cards will contain a printed message that we wish to convey to the media and it will be topped off with a visual image, some very provoking. People can choose which images they wish to send that they feel best describes the situation. I have found several images that fit the bill, from the shadows of a family on the pavement, a father walking hand and hand with his child, a picture of a tagged adult male foot clearly taken in a morgue (or made to look that way) with the word Dad on the tag. And a couple of others. I purchased these images with permission to print 500 000 0f each.
The Radio Campaign- A well thought out and provoking debate to bring to the community of radio in all local areas. Perhaps this is best handled by hand picked spokes people so as not to drown out the central message with everyones differing thoughts on the matter. Information for the media to get in contact with these spokes people to continue the debate. This is a radio stations dream as they like to encourage listeners to tune in.
The Strike Campaign- A detailed run through of times and places for strike action, information on speakers for the day, Information on signs that can be made, slogans and chants. A call for parents affected by disenfranchisement to speak out (3 mins to say a little about their heart breaking experiences) A call for older children to speak out about the affects of disenfranchisement on their lives, Reading of statistics in between that back up our campaign. And for families who wish it, in the evening a solemn a reading of the names of Fathers who have lost their lives becasue they could not be with their children(fathers who committed suicide when they could no longer abuse and control their exes) and it was too much for them to bear any longer. (maybe a little candle light vigil for them too) Every location where this action is taking place shoudl stick as beast it can, to the schedule. Not too many places of course. We will need to try and gather as many people to a singular area as we can.
We can also mail out the campaign to other groups who will be supportive and sympathetic to our cause.
Timing is exceptionally important as we need the element of surprise on our side. Too soon and the feminists will discredit us with their own campaign. To late and we do nto rally enough troops. (I should have been in the militiary)
Kind Regards
PS. I knwo this may sound complicated but I assure you it is really quite a simple print and post set up in such a way that is probably takes ten minutes out of a persons day in the build up and then one day of strike action.
PSS I am very excited now!
Dear Anonymums:
I have been posting up in the US where some of the funding and Congressional support for the eradication of the legal process in the family law courts comes from. (Again). And tying it also to our current President, supposedly the Administration of Change -- but not in this regard. Before and after, he was back-patting for Fathers Rights sympathizer Jeff Leving. I found out how many Congressional Members are on each "fatherhood" task force, and how many millions of US$$ are going to re-write the research to say that the real problem was not Men Behaving Badly, but Women without a Man in the Home.
Today, I was alerted to another local conference attempting to do something similar to the one above, only run by people who inhabit the courts (and get work referrals from them) -- (see CAFUSA.org, the "DV Conference of the Decade.)
I also checked back at the local "AFCC" (Calif., USA originating organization, now worldwide) "recommended conference, and found one in the UK talking about the Globalization of Family Law.
I most certainly do not RECOMMEND these conference, but I DO recommend being aware of their existence. LIke a bloodhound will track a fox.
Ontario Association for Family
AGM & Conference
June 12, 2009
Novotel Hotel
Mississauga, ON
The International Commission on Couple
and Family Relations
56th International Conference
June 17-19, 2009
Sherbrooke University Campus
Quebec, Canada
Resolution - International Conference 2009
The Globalization of Family Law: Sharing
International Experience
July 1-3, 2009
City Grange Hotel
London, England
National Council of Juvenile and
Family Court Judges
72nd Annual Conference
July 12-15, 2009
Hyatt Regency
Chicago, Illinois
National Association of Counsel for Children
32nd Annual Conference
August 19-22, 2009
New York Marriott at the Brooklyn Bridge
Brooklyn, New York
World Congress on Family Law and
Children’s Rights
5th World Congress on Family Law and Children’s Rights
August 23-26, 2009
World Trade and Convention Center
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Association for Conflict Resolution
9th Annual Conference
October 7-10, 2009
Hilton Altanta Hotel
Atlanta, Georgia
Just for a reference point, Due Process is violated in the process of mediation as actually practiced. It is a great way to override substantial evidence of abuse. It is also UNWORKABLE for people who have been dealing with significant assault & battery, etc. behavior from their exes, which I have and know.
Thanks your continued exposition of these outrages.
In America
"familycourtmatters.wordpress.com" (see last 2 posts especially).
Liberty. And JUSTICE for ALL, not just fatherhood worshippers.
Talk about off the wall ! These -beings- actually BELIEVE the nonsense they write ???? What's to say ! The modern equivalent of Bellevue hospital- they used to (wrongly) lock people like this up in mental insitutions- now they just join up in fathers' rights groups.
Dragon ? beast ? You already know about the fire that dragons belch- BUT - do you know what happens when they fart ??????
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