Fathers Rights Groups Are Destructive

"Inflamed by greed, incensed by hate, confused by delusion, overcome by them, obsessed by mind, a man chooses for his own affliction, for others' affliction, for the affliction of both and experiences pain and grief"

 Buddha quotes (Hindu Prince Gautama Siddharta, the founder of Buddhism, 563-483 B.C.) 

"It is said that power corrupts, but actually it's more true that power attracts the corruptible. The sane are usually attracted by other things than power".

David Brin (1950)

"Greed is a bottomless pit which exhausts the person in an endless effort to satisfy the need without ever reaching satisfaction."

 Erich Fromm quotes (German born American social Philosopher and Psychoanalyst1900-1980)

First of all I would like to dedicate the first paragraph to many fathers who do not beat their wives or hurt their children in any shape or form.  I can proudly say that I have met many great fathers that are loving to their children and wives.  I have also met fathers that have done a wonderful job in maintaining an amicable separation with the focus of children.  None of these fathers would lower themselves to supporting the fathers rights groups as their aim is not to harm women and they are the reason why "father" has not become a bad word.  Unfortunately, there are some men who are so driven by hate, that they will stop at nothing to destroy every independent women on this earth - related or not.  These are the ones who are destroying fatherhood.  Every man who respects the mother of his children and their lives are disgusted to sight their efforts being used as leverage to gain total rights over victims of Family Violence.  Real fathers don't want their daughters, sisters mothers and grand children to become a puppet of torture.  No humane person would.  Nice slogans, pretty pictures and the use of "god" is not going to conceal the intolerable position that women and children now find themselves in as a result of these laws.  The United Nations are well aware of the big difference between fathers and perpetrators.  Whilst there is much respect for the efforts made to ensure that the treatment of every human being is with dignity and as many rights as possible regardless of the crimes that they have committed, it was never intended to enable more rights to those who violate than those violated.  

Lets begin with the infamous shared parenting bill brought about by fathers rights groups.  
Campaign messages were:
  • Fathers are committing suicide because they are not seeing their children.
  • Single mothers are bad aka "fatherlessness"
  • Mothers make false allegations for financial reasons or revenge
  • Most Domestic Violence allegations are made to gain custody of the child
The submissions that were made in the Australian family law reform were mostly from men and women supporting men.  There was no credible research to prove any of these statements, but the amplified voice of propaganda won above common sense and ethics.  The loudest voice won in this occasion, but not those who were the mostly rightful in deserving favor as this bill was never intended for children.  The words orchestrated to sell shared parenting are nothing more than the words used to sell the infamous pyramid scheme.  The sellers in this case are a different breed of con artists.  The goal is not focused purely upon money, its about total control and a community that will not hear victims of violence.  

The advantage these groups had in their campaign was the secrecy laws and that at that time there were no domestic violence homicide reviews.  If there were any, this bill would never have been introduced and perhaps Darcey Freeman would have had her first day of school, among the other children killed because the law could not protect them.  If it were not for these batterers rights groups, perhaps some of these men could find more responsible ways to deal with the destruction path they led and make a genuine effort to control themselves, rather than putting such misdirected energy into controlling others.  

Fathers and Suicide
Dads In Distress is one of the milder operational cells of the Australian FR Network.  They are milder simply because they are restricted by funding guidelines set out by FACSIA .  DIDS has been funded for over a million dollars under the guidelines of, "Suicide Prevention".  Dads In Distress claimed in his appeal for more funding that fathers will be committing suicide without his service.  The Mens Referral Service has been far more responsible in providing these services for men without lobbying for children to have contact with mentally unstable men.  In many studies conducted on murder suicides, research revealed that when men do it, they usually take children and women with them.  Such advocacy is irresponsible and selfish in respect to the interests of the children.  

Fatherlessness Is Hate Speech
Its a new way of discriminating against single mothers by stating that "fatherlessness is a problem".  Until more laws were introduced to combat discrimination against single mothers, the term has often become the scapegoat of societies ills.  Fathers of these children remain devoid of all responsibility profiting upon the laws that continue to give them a choice upon the level of involvement with the children without any requirement to hold any respect for the mother.  Measuring the choices available for the mothers and fathers, fathers are still privileged above both the children and the mother in levels of finances and autonomy.  Fathers Rights groups heavily blame the mother for fathers absence, yet ignore many who choose not to be involved. Others were restrained by court order because a high level of evidence was provided that concluded that the father was dangerous to the mother or the child.  Fathers rights claim these outcomes are due to mostly false allegations.  

False Allegations Are A Rarity In The Family Court
In Family Court Proceedings, False Allegations are rare.  Dr Kim Oates was quoted on ABCs Parent Alienation Background briefing to have findings of false allegations as low as 2.5%.  Statistics that point to large numbers of false allegations are often mistaken as there are far more cases of abuse that are unsubstantiated due to the high level of evidence required and the court processes that re traumatize victims.  As Merrilyn Mc Donald points out in her article The Myth of False Sexual Abuse, "Unsubstantiated is not the same as false." Clearly, there are many children that are unnecessarily re victimized by the law and community simply because of the unwillingness to investigate these horrors that serve the abusers well.  Pro - contact culture has done well to place abusers upon undeserving pedestals whilst the rights of the victim to be protected is well beyond reach.


Phoenix said...

Dads In Distress openly admit to spending most of their time supporting members in court and helping them get control of the children and therefore the money. Lone fathers Association claim that they receive "thousands" of calls from men threatening to commit suicide purely as a ruse to claim government funding when their real role is concentrated on minimising child support.

Art & Sciences said...

I'd be curious to know exactly what's the problem with equal parenting?

Unknown said...

Its the devil in the detail and the consequences where the laws are made so that "equal parenting" converts to a pathway for abusers to stalk through the courts and visitation.

Has the Family Court Ignored

After the Family Court Battle, has the Father missed visitation for


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