The Angry Mens Movement

Groups of men all over the world disatisfied by the decisions by the family courts lobbyed governments to change the family laws. Whilst their main concern was the amount of time they have with children, they often tagged their time with the monetary value in their child support payments and expressed anger over their obligations to pay it. Publicly, they maintained an agenda that they wanted more time with their children but added occasionally that should also pay less child support the more time they spend. Researchers that no one had ever heard of began to emerge, with what seemed credible - That we have too many fatherless children. Blame was layed upon the system, the feminists, single mothers, domestic violence services and even the ability to divorce. When credible researchers pointed out that the reasons why is largly due to child abuse and domestic violence, these researchers were attacked with labels such as "feminazis", "misanderists" and made bogus claims that they were supporting the "domestic violence billion dollar industry". Even the children came under attack in their aggressive campaigning with accusations that the children lie about abuse because they are being alienated by the mothers. A psychologist who had not contacted his university for fifteen years had created the perfect excuse to abuse called PAS - Parent Alienation Syndrome. Aimed at discrediting the mothers advocacy and silencing the childrens voices, it was a syndrome that apparently in the midst of divorce cases a mother becomes so obssessed with blocking contact with the father that she will brainwash the child into hating the father and making false claims of child abuse. This man in his own life had a mental illness and promoted pedaphilic behaviours in his books. Sadly his words opened the flood gates for abusers and it became common knowledge that parents lie about child abuse in custody cases, leaving many protective parents and children in the dark with no one to turn to. For most, the only way to protect your child was to run away. To further detriment, mothers were sent to prison for a crime that should not have been a crime and the children were sent to their abusers. Fathers lobby groups campaigned on about the mothers who ran and how long they did not see their children for. Jail statistics were brought to light on the amount who were raised by a single mother. Little attention was made to the stats on domestic violence prior to the separation and the profound effects this had on them. Some members wormed their way into the courts, some into the police force and others into government. If a man raised concerns for the children or domestic violence against the mothers, they were labelled a "feminazi". with their own personal media contacts, they took their campaign by storm and every media article was about good fathers being denied access and abusive mothers hurting their children. They claimed using Male suicide statistics that one out of three comitted suicide due to custody. Disinformation and hype was the name of their campaign.

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Has the Family Court Ignored

After the Family Court Battle, has the Father missed visitation for


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